Harnessing the power of insects to convert organic waste to a sustainable alternative protein (Black Soldier Fly Larvae) for animal feed production and organic fertilizer (Insect Frass)
About Us
Kiberndasky is an agricultural and biotech company registered in Kenya. We are currently rearing Black Soldier Flies (BSF) which are nothing short of a wonder of nature. We are rearing them because they are a game changer for the food industry on both ends. As some of nature’s best decomposers and waste converters, they consume and convert organic food waste into a useful organic fertiliser and soil improver, providing a sustainable means for bio-waste management. The BSF Larvae themselves are protein-rich and their high quality protein is useful in the animal feed industry and in aquaculture.
Originally envisioned as a waste management project, Kiberndasky has grown into an enterprise that solves multiple problems by utilizing insects to transform food waste into sustainable products for the global market.
As of 2019, out of 2400 tonnes of waste generated daily in Nairobi, 50% is organic. About 19 tonnes of waste from the markets in Nairobi, 90% of which is organic waste, hotels, and restaurants across Nairobi also contribute another 11 tonnes of waste daily. This creates a landfill problem where the waste is dumped and causes risks for disease, increased pests that feed on the waste and increased smells in the landfills.
There needs to be a separation of waste. Such that organic waste is treated differently from non-organic waste. The waste needs to be quickly converted before diseases and pests can grow in it. Waste management should be economically viable and sustainable.