Kiberndasky is an agricultural and biotech company registered in Kenya. We are currently rearing Black Soldier Flies (BSF) which are nothing short of a wonder of nature. We are rearing them because they are a game changer for the food industry on both ends. As some of nature’s best decomposers and waste converters, they consume and convert organic food waste into a useful organic fertiliser and soil improver, providing a sustainable means for bio-waste management. The BSF Larvae themselves are protein-rich and their high quality protein is useful in the animal feed industry and in aquaculture.
Originally envisioned as a waste management project, Kiberndasky has grown into an enterprise that solves multiple problems by utilizing insects to transform food waste into sustainable products for the global market.
As at 2019 Out of 2400 tonnes of waste generated daily in Nairobi, 50% is organic.
This creates a landfill problem where the waste is dumped and causes risks for disease, increase of pests which feed on the waste as well as increased smells in the landfills.
This also means that the landfills have to get larger and larger as the population increases as does the waste
There needs to be a separation of waste. Such that the organic waste is treated differently from the non organic waste.
The bio-waste needs to be turned into useful products
The waste needs to be quickly converted before diseases and pests can grow in it.
The management should be economically viable and beneficial for those employed to staff the project.
Black soldier flies( BSF) are undeniably the most beneficial type of flies in existence. The BSF Larvae act as great organic waste decomposers and converters. They are known to convert organic waste into a useful organic fertiliser.
The growing scarcity of traditional resources for feed production as well as the related environmental concerns highlight how unsustainable the current feed sources are.
The challenges affecting animal feeds include:
Rising Cost of Feeds. Many farmers are resorting to home-made mixes for their animal feeds due to high cost of premixed feeds.
Local protein availability. Whereas cereals for feed manufacture are largely local, protein sources are far more regional. There is an increasing pressure to replace common protein sources like soybeans with less globalized ones.
Safety and quality assurance. Consumers need assurance that the feed given to the animals they consume is safe and wholesome, so they feel safe about consuming animal products.
GMO. The debates and worries over GMOs continues. Will GMO be accepted worldwide, making trade easier, or will they continue to be used as trade barriers?
There exists a solution in insect based protein. Insect proteins are high-quality and can be used as an ingredient for feed for animals, pets, and fish. Insect farming provides a suitable replacement to assist the effort to move away from the traditional sources of proteins like fishmeal, maize and soy.
Black Soldier Flies( BSF) are undeniably the most beneficial type of flies in existence. The BSF Larvae act as great organic waste decomposers and converters. They are known to convert organic waste into a useful organic fertiliser. The BSF larvae stage are high in protein and are harvested, dried and crushed to obtain beneficial high protein products for the feed industry

The Black Soldier Fly is a more effective bio-waste decomposer, working faster than bacteria in the right numbers.
The black soldier fly does not spread disease as the adult fly does not eat or drink
Their digestive processes kill any bacteria that they may encounter in their own food.
The larvae of the black soldier fly are about 90% protein and fats making them excellent feeds for chicken, livestock and fish
The digested bio matter is immediately useful as safe organic manure that can be used on any kind of farm.
BSF farming has reduced environmental impact as compared to other alternative protein sources.
All products can be used for more sustainable and regenerative agriculture. BSF farming is indeed a circular economy.
Creates Employment , empowering mostly women who are more skilled in the tactile aspects of BSF farming
Competitively priced against other protein sources.
Contain higher quality protein than the traditional food supplements